
Amutri - Junior Developer

Amutri’s main USP is turning CAD files into 3D experiences you can stream live to any device using the power of Unreal. I’ve touched many parts of this project, managing infrastructure using TypeScript and many AWS tools, making sure everything runs smoothly for WebRTC streams to the most recent version of Unreal Engine with the Pixel Streaming plugin. Plus, I’ve worked on some hand authored experiences, creating character controllers and optimising scenes in Unreal.

26 June 2024 · 1 mins

Monq - University Project

Monq is my most complete game project. I made it in my second year of university with some friends, and we were going to use it to form a successful startup. I learned a lot about how a multidisciplinary team works and tinkered with creating frameworks in C++ with inheritance both to blueprints and further C++ sub-classes, covering concepts such as all the AI using unreal’s tools, puzzle implementation, shader implementation using noise and more.

6 June 2017 · 2 mins