
Graphics: Nothing to PBR

I am someone who is fascinated by graphics programming, the creation of game engines and all things low-level. Here I’ve taken the time to create a proper graphics pipeline in order to create a PBR rendering system. I’ll likely reuse the shaders and model loading classes in future projects but for my next personal graphics project I’m tempted to pick up some Vulkan and make greater use of namespaces and more modern general C++ programming paradigms to make something more robust...

7 November 2023 · 4 mins

Monq - University Project

Monq is my most complete game project. I made it in my second year of university with some friends, and we were going to use it to form a successful startup. I learned a lot about how a multidisciplinary team works and tinkered with creating frameworks in C++ with inheritance both to blueprints and further C++ sub-classes, covering concepts such as all the AI using unreal’s tools, puzzle implementation, shader implementation using noise and more.

6 June 2017 · 2 mins

Terrain Engine - University Project

I made this project for a module at uni. It’s a terrain map based on perlin noise with flat face lighting, It was the first project where I picked up a lot of the 3D maths used in games and learned about simulation. It was my first project using GLSL with C++ and also the project I optimised for an optimisation module in my final year. Getting deep into learning more about memory management and Object-Oriented design.

8 May 2017 · 1 mins